Wednesday, November 21, 2018

Thanksgiving 2018

Thanksgiving, a federal holiday in the United States is celebrated on the fourth Thursday of November. It was declared a special holiday in 1863 by President Lincoln. He proclaimed it to be a national day of "Thanksgiving and Praise to our beneficent Father who dwells in the Heavens."
This day has always been a special day in my life. Even as a child, I remember that very early in the morning, my Mom would start the fire in the old coal burning stove and begin the long day of preparing a special meal for the family. Most of the time, the main course would be the largest chicken that we had and would be served because we could not afford a large turkey for the family.
Our family would gather around the table and as hungry as we were, we would take turns giving thanks for something special. Then, Dad would pray a special prayer thanking God for all of His blessings. Dad loved to pray and as a child, I would always hope that Dad remembered how hungry we were and pray a short prayer. However, he put more emphasis on God’s blessings than the growling of hunger in our stomach.
Thanksgiving Day has a different meaning to each of us. To some it is a special day to be off work and relax around the TV and watch all of the football games. It may be a day of parades and to others it is a day set aside to visit family and enjoy some special family time.  To others, it is a special day to give thanks to God for His bountiful blessings. It is also a great time to say thanks to special people.
Unfortunately, we live in an entitlement society where so many people believe they are “owed” the blessings and is never taught the importance of expressing gratefulness. We see this also in an episode in the Bible where Jesus met ten men that were lepers. They asked Jesus to have mercy on them. He told them to go and show the priests that the leprosy was healed. All were healed but only one returned to show gratitude to Jesus. Jesus asked, "Were not ten healed? Where are the nine? Can none be found to come back and give glory to God except this outsider?" [1] A good question for us to ask this Thanksgiving is, “Am I one of the nine? Or am I the one?” Every day should be a day of Thanksgiving. A song and a pledge that we used to sing says: “All that I am, all that I have, all I shall ever be. Cannot repay the love-debt I owe. I surrender to thee.”[2]
Pledge to the King

I pledge allegiance to the King of Kings;
Creator of all, Master of all things.

My source of life, with each breath I sing,
Resounding praise with voice and string.

He set me aflight from broken wing,
To lift me upward and healing bring.

I vow to honor, whatever entailing,
My provider, Protector, love unfailing.

I pledge allegiance to my King of Kings,
Jesus Christ, my Lord, my everything.[3]

This Thanksgiving, along with all the festivities, take time to say, “THANKS.”


[1] Luke 17:19 Message Bible
[2] Unknown
[3] Betty Lewis 1/15/2015

Saturday, November 10, 2018

Honoring Heroes

Veterans Day--2018
I was able to visit the traveling Vietnam War Memorial wall recently as it passed through The Villages, FL. As I walked on the hallowed ground adjacent to the wall, I could not explain the feeling that I had as I looked and saw veterans saluting and some with tears running down their faces and a quietness that was almost sacred. I had so many mixed feelings as I searched for the name of a special friend with whom I was honored to serve beside in the Army prior to the War. As I stood there looking at the name of “Johnnie P. Sawyer,” my heart began to feel the same ache that I felt when I received a phone call 1966 to tell me about Johnnie giving his life for our country. Also, I glanced over the long wall of names and could not even imagine the heartache the loved ones of the fifty-eight thousand men and women that sacrificed their lives for our great nation. Let me share some interesting facts about a real hero.
Johnnie and I served together as privates and were promoted up to Sargent in approximately two years. He had a leader’s heart and everyone respected him. He was more than a leader; he was a friend. We shared the good times and the bad. We worked hard together, competed together, vacationed together and the times that I appreciated so much was when he and other fellow soldiers were about to attend the Men of the chapel retreats where we studied and prayed together. To those that served with him and knew him best, he was respected and was admired greatly for who he was.
Each year on November 11, we officially honor all veterans that have served in our armed services. There will be parades and celebrations of all kinds and a time for so many of us who have served to once again stand at attention and feel the pride of being privileged to serve. This Veterans Day will be a great time for us to also pause to remember those especially, who were wounded and those that paid the ultimate price for freedom. We are witnessing perhaps the greatest threat for freedom now that we ever have ever known. We too, need to look inside and analyze our own commitment to the principles for which so many paid the ultimate sacrifice for our freedom. We know that freedom is never free, so let us never take for granted the sacrifices that were made for us to live free.
I proudly stand at attention today to salute all those who served and are still serving today. I’m proud to say that I was privileged to serve! I also salute Captain Johnnie P. Sawyer’s memory and look forward to the day that we stand side by side once again.
Veterans Day
On Veterans Day we honor all,
Who answered to a service call.
Soldiers young, and soldiers old’
Fought for freedom, brave and bold.
Some have lived, while others died,
And all of them deserve our pride.
We’re proud of all the soldiers who,
Kept thinking of red, white and blue.
They fought for us and all our rights,
They fought through many days and nights.
And though we may not  know each name,
We thank ALL veterans just the same.[1]
My prayer today is: “Father, thank you for the freedom that you gave us when you gave your Only Begotten Son to shed His blood for us to be free from the powers of evil. We thank you for those who served and for those who paid a tremendous price for our country to live in freedom.  Comfort the families of the veterans while they remember the sacrifices they made for us. Amen!”
 “Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends.”[2]

[1] Cheryl Dyson
[2] John 15:12 KJV