Saturday, January 22, 2011

Where is Utopia?

We live in a restless society.  There are many negative things to contend with daily; yet we keep hoping and searching for that perfect state.  It is just out there a little way.  The young person believes that it is the day for getting a driver’s license.  It is the day of their first car; it is the day of graduation; it is the day to start college; it is the day of graduation from college; it is the first job; and it is just “out there” where we will find happiness. 
We continually look for that “utopian” state, when everything will be perfect and right.  Is it possible to reach that state?  We know that the state of utopia is an imaginary place considered perfect or ideal.  Daniel Nettle stated, Nothing, not even a Utopia, can necessarily make the pursuit of happiness a successful one that ends in capture.  The best society can merely allow every individual to flourish in the pursuit.”  This imaginary place is so illusive that when we think we have reached the destination, it quickly moves in a different direction.
Recently one talked about how much he enjoyed riding the thrill rides and especially the high roller coasters.  He would wait and waste hours in line just for the thrill of a couple of minutes.  He said something very profound, “I realized that the place that I got on the ride was the exact same spot that I got off.” 
There is nothing wrong with chasing a dream as long as we do not sacrifice everything in life to try to reach the dream.  We often focus on some future destination and fail to see the beauty where we are.  (There was a story of a young Indian maiden, “You may start down that row of corn and may pick the largest ears for yourself.”  She started looking intently for the next ear that may be larger.  On and on she went and when she reached the end, she had nothing to show for her travel.  She looked back with nothing but regrets, realizing that she had overlooked “much” in searching for “more.”)
Therefore, Utopia is not a place to find but a place to create.  God gave each of us powerful creative abilities and each of us has twenty-four hours a day to create that state of happiness in our own life and the lives of those around us.  We search and search; however, generally we find the pot of gold right back where our search began.  That perfect place is not the riches of this world, although they may help, but is to found inside us, and realized when creating an atmosphere of Utopia becomes the journey of life. 
You are special and God made you capable of using your special creative powers to find happiness right where you are.  Let us analyze our life and make a plan to do that for which we were created!  A great way to start is to draw a circle three feet in diameter, step inside it, and create a Utopia inside that circle.  The power of influence that comes from that circle will amaze you and those around you.

Psalms 118:24 “This is the day the LORD has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it.” 

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Be an Encourager!

      We were with a great friend this last week and she revealed her New Year’s resolution.  She said, “I am determined to leave everyone I meet this year more positive and encouraged as a result of our meeting.”  Each of us needs to be encouraged at times and there are many ways of giving and receiving.  First, one may be encouraged to push on to the finish line or encouraged by comments of praise.  It may be an expression of confidence in the individual in a pursuit for excellence or a compliment for a job well done.  John Maxwell stated, “Remember, man does not live on bread alone; sometimes he needs a little buttering up.”
      There are some important aspects to remember about being or becoming an encourager.  We should seek other encouragers for friendships, build a support team of people who are honest and firmly established, create and hold on to the memories of past encouragements, and finally, create an atmosphere of encouragement to everyone you meet.  Positive attitude are contagious and people love to be around those who live on the positive side of life.
      Each of us is capable of being an encourager.  It may be just as simple as a smile, a note of appreciation, a telephone call to say thanks or some other special act of kindness.  Just think how much better this would be if we had a lot more encouragement and a lot less criticism of others.  I believe that any man's life will be filled with constant and unexpected encouragement, if he makes up his mind to do his level best each day, and as nearly as possible reaching the high water mark of pure and useful living."Booker T. Washington.  Encouragers seem know what to say, how to say it, and the right time, to match the magnitude of the situation.   We were created with special abilities and we must represent the One who created us for a purpose. 
      I had a friend years ago and each time I asked how he was doing, his answer was, “I’m not the least bit dis-encouraged.”  I cannot find that word in the dictionary to make the red, wiggly line go away but it was a correct word for him because it came from the depths of his heart!
      If you meet someone this week that has nothing left but hope, remember, “What the caterpillar calls the end of the world, the master calls a butterfly." 

        Have you encouraged anyone today?  2 Thessalonians 2:16-17 “May our Lord Jesus Christ himself and God our Father, who loved us and by his grace gave us eternal encouragement and good hope, encourage your hearts and strengthen you in every good deed and word.”  NIV

Friday, January 7, 2011

Clear Vision

      It was a very foggy morning here and as I started my daily routine, I thought of a story in the Bible where Elisha, the Prophet, was facing an enemy and his servant was ready to give up.  The enemy had surrounded the city and his servant asked, "Oh, my lord, what shall we do?”  He could not see any way forward because of the large army surrounding them.  Elisha encouraged him by saying, “Don't be afraid, those who are with us are more than those who are with them.”  Can you just imagine his reaction when he heard this?  He probably thought, “Don’t be afraid?--what else is there but fear?”  Elisha prayed, "O LORD, open his eyes so he may see."  Immediately his vision was clear and was able to see the situation just as Elisha had stated. 
      I am sure each of us has experienced times when the circumstances of life have obscured our vision and able only to see the “enemies” surrounding us.   This may be a current situation; however, we must not lose hope.  We were created to be victorious; we were created to live above defeat.  Remember the words of Elisha that are so applicable for us today; “Don't be afraid, those who are with us are more than those who are with them.”
      The past couple of years have been difficult for many.  The loss of jobs, the rising costs, the never-ending wars and the world economic situations, just to name a few, has given us many reasons for not seeing clearly.  However, we must not allow the immediate to dominate the future.  Notice, the instruction for the servant was, “Don’t be afraid.”  Fear of current circumstances or the future may be real but remember the words of Neale D. Walsch, “FEAR is an acronym for, ‘False Evidence Appearing Real.’”
      We are often tempted to just say, “Whatever,” and hope for the best without exerting any effort to defeat the enemy.  We must join the army of, “those who are with us are more than those who are with them.”  Thomas Edison once stated, “We shall have no better conditions in the future if we are satisfied with all those which we have at present.
      Is this the day for an eye examination?  We may be surprised to see that the small light at the end of the tunnel is not just another train; it is hope that is changing to confidence that we are going to make it.  When looking at the fog this morning I knew that the sun would rise soon and it would burn the fog away, and it did.
      So, stand tall; stand firm; stand confident and stay focused on winning the battle!  Remember, Rom 8:31, “So, what do you think?  With God on our side like this, how can we lose? Message Bible