Monday, January 21, 2013

The Silence of the Teacher

Life is one continuous time of education with no vacations and no graduations.  Each day is a new learning experience.  The teacher may be a composite of experience, situational relationships, national disasters, health issues, economic downturns, personal financial disasters, life successes and God (if we choose to listen).  We have often heard that experience is the best teacher; however, we have a way of forgetting experience and will often repeat the experiences over and over again, thus obtaining the same results.  That is why we need to communicate daily with our heavenly Father to guide our thoughts and direction in life. 
As in school, we have testing times in the school of life.  While we were attending school, we spent much of our time listening to the teachers to prepare us for passing the exams.  In addition to the instruction, the teachers were always there to help us when we did not understand.  The real two-way communication really occurred at examination time.  Does this sound like the situation relative to our relationship with God?  We often only communicate with Him to ask for help when we do not understand the life lesson or we want something special.  When the testing time comes in school, we depend solely on what we have learned in order to pass or the “cramming” the night before the exam.  It is during this time of taking the exams that the teacher becomes silent.  He/she may be silent but constantly observing.  Is it not amazing that we are never more willing to learn than during testing time? And now the teacher is silent!
One of the most terrifying times in one’s life is when we call on God for a quick answer or direction to take and we hear nothing but silence.  We cry out to God in desperation and He does not seem to be paying attention to our cries for help.  Notice what David said when he cried out in desperation; Listen to my prayer, O God, do not ignore my plea; hear me and answer me.  My thoughts trouble me and I am distraught.”[1]  Does this express our thoughts?  What do we say to God when we hear nothing but terrifying silence?  At times, the silence is so loud that it becomes deafening.  If we cannot hear God speaking or see the effects of His voice, does that mean that nothing is taking place or that He has abandoned us? 
      We must not forget that life is a process.  We will experience major problems and disasters like those that we have seen recently with the school massacres or the storms on the east coast or the personal failures and disappointments.  However, we must not give up or give in because if we have prepared during the learning process and know from where our strength comes, we will pass the exams with excellence and come out stronger, even if it seems that God is silent.
      How do we deal with the silence of God?  This silence can be a very positive time for us.  His silence helps us to analyze all the things He has done for us in the past.  We remember how He brought us through the trials and we came forth stronger.  His silence helps us to look at our own circumstances and realize our own weaknesses.  It helps us to tune out the noises of the circumstances and tune in more intently to His silent voice.  It helps us to really trust in Him more.  It is when all of personal resources have been exhausted that His giving really shines through.
      An unknown author wrote, “Why am I unable to hear my heavenly Father’s voice?  Is it because I am not listening?  Are our difficulties a source of distraction?  Could it be our heavenly Father is trying to deal with other more pressing issues and needs in our life?  Could it be that we expect a different answer and the answer received was like the voice of silence?” 
      God is sensitive to our needs and willing to speak to us.  The secret is to be willing to take time to listen to Him.  Are we listening on the wrong channel or are we allowing the problems of life override His voice?  We may want God to speak in a spectacular way but He may choose to speak in a still small voice, or in silence.  Are you listening?  We are encouraged to, Be still, and know that I am God.”[2] We can be sure---He still speaks.    
God isn't late with his promise as some measure lateness.  He is restraining himself on account of you, holding back the End because he doesn't want anyone lost.  He's giving everyone space and time to change.[3]

[1] Psalms 55:1-3 NIV
[2] Psalms 46:10
[3] 2 Peter 3:9


  1. Thanks for this incredible lesson, and for letting us know that there is a REASON for the teacher's silence. Love it, George J

  2. Great thought provocing words, thank you for sharing and continue I encourage you keep writing what God lays upon your heart.
