Years ago, while teaching an apprenticeship class on clay modeling, we gave the students a sketch and some clay with the assignment to make a three-dimension model. The sketch was correct and the clay was perfect in texture for shaping. Some took the time to make it as perfect as possible while others made a model with some resemblance to the sketch, but rudely created.
Our life is somewhat like the piece of clay. There was nothing crude or rudely created in our existence; we are one of a kind and ready for shaping to begin. Unfortunately, we did not come with a set of instructions for a making a perfect model. Each of us has the personal responsibility to shape our life for significance. Therefore, choosing deliberately and enthusiastically the influences and core values are important for the ultimate masterpiece. A great friend once stated, “Creating excellence takes time and the time it takes is worth the excellence obtained.”
Many try to shape their life through pleasure, riches, position, or fame and, there are moments of significance in these but do not guarantee lasting results. To have lasting significance one must have a peace of mind, self-respect, enduring, loving relationships and a satisfaction by seeking to become all that one is capable of becoming. In seeking for a real significance, one needs to consider adding contentment, gratitude, pride and most importantly, the attributes that only come from God to the list. The search does not preclude ambition to gain material possessions or high positions; however, one must remember that success and significance do not necessarily run parallel to each other.
One has stated, “Feeling successful can generate satisfying emotions of self-worth, but feeling significant or that one's life really matters is much more important.”
As we search for significance, we must not overlook the value of the simple things in life. The capacity to care for others often gives life its deepest significance. At this time of the year, reach out and touch someone and you will begin to realize how significant you are. Part of a song Mahalia Jackson made very popular years ago states this so beautifully, “If I can help somebody, as I pass along, then my living shall not be in vain.”
The road of significance is a journey, not a destination. Therefore, on the road we are traveling, we need to cherish the moment!
Eph , “For we are God's masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so that we can do the good things he planned for us long ago.” NLT
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