Friday, December 24, 2010

Merry Christmas

      A story told of a mother who was ironing while her little son was drawing pictures.  The mother asked, "What are you drawing?”  He said, "I'm drawing a picture of God.”  She said, "How can you do that?  Nobody knows what God looks like.”  He said, "They will when I get through!"  Mary and Joseph got the first glimpse of God lying in the manger.  According to the Scriptures, and to use a phrase my parents often used, “He was a spitting image of his father.” 
      However, those around Him would say, “That does not look like God; He is not wrapped in splendor that one would expect of God.  Many would not accept the benefit of the Gift because of the circumstances of His humble beginnings.  It is easy to overlook the greatest things in life and the things that have lasting importance while looking for the spectacular.
      Today, many are trying to change the meaning of Christmas.  Christmas is commercialized; however, the commercialization does not prevent us from holding steadfast to the real reason for the season.  Many in our society continually try to remove Christ from Christmas; and this is something we need to guard against.  Try typing “Christmas” without Christ and all one will get is “mas” with a little red wiggly line under it.  In over two thousands years of adding words to the English language one can only find “mas” used as an acronym.  An acronym for “mas” leaving Christ off is just “Mass, Annual, Socializing.”  It is not a word; therefore, without Christ in Christmas there is nothing left.  Here is part of a Poem, “Saving Christmas” by Paul Boris found in the Daily Sun Newspaper, December 19, 2010.
It’s such a wonderful, magical day…Please don’t let it go away.
We know what Christmas is all about, so let us all stand up and shout.

“A MERRY CHRISTMAS TO ALL” not “Greeting, have a good day”.
Does our white washed society really wish Christmas away?

Christmas is a reverent season.  Never forget it’s rightful reason
Celebrate His coming.  Follow his teaching.  Remain together, and all keep reaching.

Illustration:  A little boy saying his prayers after a long day of shopping with his mother said, “Dear God, forgive us our Christmases as we forgive those who Christmas against us.”

Luke 2:9-11 “Then the angel said to them,” Do not be afraid, for behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy which will be to all people.  For there is born to you this day in the city of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord.”  NKJV

1 comment:

  1. Uncle Cecil, you are just awesome! No wonder we all love you so much...and Aunt Edna too!
