Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Challenging Times

We have heard many times in our lifetime, “We have never done it like that before.” I need not remind us that we are facing issues in our country right now that we have never had to face. It has changed our way of life so much and in some cases may not return to the old “normal.” I remember an executive at a large automotive company told the suppliers during a challenging time that, “Twenty years from now you will look back and say, those were the good old days.” I can truly look back and agree with him after a few things that has happened recently. I’m not sure that we will look back twenty years from now and say that about today. One thing we can say is that we have a special help in the time of need if our hope and trust is founded on a solid foundation—Jesus Christ.
Look with me to a portion of scripture found in 2 Corinthians 4:8-9  We are hard pressed on every side, but not crushed; perplexed, but not in despair;  persecuted, but not abandoned; struck down, but not destroyed.
Talk about a tough time, the apostle was going through a period of time that he perhaps had never gone through before. He refused to let the things that he was facing take his eye off the positive side of life. He did not try to hide the fact that it was a very difficult time but notice that with each of the trials, he stated victory over the trial. He stated that he was hard pressed, perplexed, persecuted and even struck down. In the middle of all these trials and tests of the apostle, he boldly and confidently realized the Lord would help him through them. He stated with each of the trials, “I am not crushed, not in despair, not abandoned and not (will not be) destroyed.
Life as know is not always easy; we are facing some tough times. We are also reminded that Jesus told us that “in this world you will have trouble” but He also gave us great words of comfort—“I have overcome the world.” These were encouraging words that we can gain strength today.
The things we are facing today may tend to leave us puzzled, perplexed, unable to fully understand. Those are honest and normal responses. But we must not allow these to bring us to the place of losing hope; God is faithful! He will be with us in our time of trials and suffering, and will bring us through it to victory. The battle of life may be raging now, but remember that the battle is not ours; it belongs to the Lord. We must never lose sight of the fact that we belong to Him and He is the great “I AM.” That statement is always present tense. It’s time for a song!
When I Say Jesus
The sea of life is raging; The storms ‘round me roar
I’m tossed about in turmoil and it’s growing very cold
By myself I cannot make it. But this one thing I know
When I speak the name of Jesus, The storm clouds have to go.

When I say Master, my sorrows disappear
When I say father, He drives away all my fears.
When I say Savior, my blinded eyes can see,
When I say Jesus, He speaks peace to me.[1]
We may not know about the future, but we can be sure that the One to whom we belong holds us in the palm of His hand.

[1] Unknown

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