Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Thank You

This last year has been very rewarding to me in many ways since I started writing the inspirational blog.  I really did not imagine how well it would be received but after reviewing the number of individual page viewings, I was amazed to see the number over three-thousand.  Therefore, for all the support and encouragement, I just want to say thanks.
I will continue writing this year and hope the blogs will be words of encouragement to you.  If there are subjects that you would like to have me consider, send me a personal message and I will honor the confidentiality and try to answer them.
I trust that this year, you will find peace and comfort in all you do and that God would direct your steps in a positive direction.

Thanks again and may God bless you!




  1. Since I cannot talk face to face very often to get your wisdom advice, I look forward to these. Love you Uncle Cecil!

  2. Dad,
    Thank you!!! I know that many people look forward to your words of encouragement and thought provoking writings.
    Keep em' coming.
    Cecil Jr.

  3. I always love and appreciate your writings. Thanks for sharing from your heart. These are words to live by.
