Monday, December 24, 2012

When God Shows Up

      We spend much of our time in life making plans.  Most of us have experienced having big plans to do something special and then something unexpected happens and our plans are out the window.  It just didn’t make sense; it didn’t seem fair; and we spend much time asking the difficult question, “Why?”  At Christmastime we spend much time planning and celebrating a Gift given to us but started His life on earth by interrupting the plans of a young couple.
      Mary and Joseph had great wedding plans.  They were going through the traditions and customs of the times and all of a sudden something changed the situation entirely—God showed up.  Can you, for just a moment put yourself into Mary’s position?  Here she was most likely about fourteen years old and was still a virgin and now something special happened to her.  Notice: Luke 1:28-33 “Gabriel appeared to her and said, "Congratulations, favored lady! The Lord is with you!" Confused and disturbed, Mary tried to think what the angel could mean. "Don't be frightened, Mary," the angel told her, "for God has decided to wonderfully bless you!  Very soon now, you will become pregnant and have a baby boy, and you are to name him 'Jesus.' He shall be very great and shall be called the Son of God. And the Lord God shall give him the throne of his ancestor David.”  She became pregnant by the Holy Spirit to give birth to a very special person—Jesus.  Imagine the turmoil within her life trying to decide when and how to tell her parents and especially Joseph about the encounter and the results of the encounter with God.
      Now put yourself into Joseph’s position and try to understand this.  After all, he was going to take as much ridicule as Mary.  I’m sure his parents and friends did not and would not even believe his explanation.  Matt 1:20-21 “But while he thought on these things, behold, the angel of the Lord appeared unto him in a dream, saying, Joseph, thou son of David, fear not to take unto thee Mary thy wife: for that which is conceived in her is of the Holy Ghost. And she shall bring forth a son, and thou shalt call his name JESUS: for he shall save his people from their sins.” KJV
      What a difference it made when Mary and Joseph were willing to follow God’s plan for their lives rather than following the traditions and customs of the time.  The whole world is now able to receive this precious Gift--JESUS. 
      Have you ever had God show up when least expected and your plans were changed?  Was it easy for you to allow God to enter into your life-plans and lead you the direction that was not the direction you planned to go?  Most of us want the big things in life, but is God in the plans?  What a difference it makes when we listen to the voice of the Lord and hear Him say, “Jer 29:11-12, “For I know the plans I have for you," says the Lord. “They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope.”  Jeremiah’s message in these verses was to a group of people who were being held captive, and were in exile from their homeland.  He’s writing to let them know that although they’re not where they would have expected, nor where they would have asked God to place them, God has not forgotten them and He still has a plan for them. We need to remember that when God shows up in the middle of our plans, He knows what is best for us and will give us the gift of direction and determination. We need to just be sensitive to His voice, be willing to listen and see what His plans are for us.
      Sometimes we might feel God has abandoned us. Sometimes we might feel all our hope is
lost, but what a difference it makes when God suddenly shows up............In this busy time of the year with so many plans in place, perhaps it’s time to “stop, look, and listen” and see if the Gift of all gifts is saying to us, “I know the plans I have for you…. to give you a future and a hope.”"
Merry Christmas

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

God Bless Our Veterans!

Sunday, November 11th we honor a special group of people, our veterans and those currently serving in our Armed Forces. Our men and women in the Armed Forces are sacrificing so much for our freedom.  Many leave to never return and pay the ultimate sacrifice for a cause that oftentimes is not even known to those in battle.  All they know is that it’s in the name of freedom and protection from our enemies.  Our enemies are not always dressed in battle attire or on a battlefield, but in business suits willing to commit to battle but unwilling to support those who commit the most.  We go on hoping and praying that in some small way that the sacrifices will make a difference for freedom. 
My heart was saddened recently when the news came to a NC family that their loved one, an Army Special Operations soldier was killed in action, during combat operations in support of Operation Enduring Freedom. He died from direct fire from enemy forces while conducting combat operations in Konduz Province, Afghanistan.  This was his fifth deployment to Afghanistan and one in Iraq—six times in the battle zone?  What a sacrifice!
I don’t want to sound too political but I am also saddened that during all the “nonsense” going on during this election season, that our men and women serving in the armed services seem to have taken a back seat to the elections.  I can’t remember the last time our President or Secretary of Defense have gone to the microphones to update us on the status of our military, or made a visit to the battlefield to show support for our troops.  All we hear is that the Military is being cut.  In my opinion, the men and women in the service of our country have taken a low priority to the politicians who care more of their own survival than the survival of those in battle.
For those of us who have served proudly and those who have lost their loved ones for freedom, we must ensure that these will never be forgotten.  So on this very special day and every day not designated as special, do something to brighten the day of a veteran.  There are many ways we can show our appreciation and all of us can pray daily for special protection of our brave men and women in uniform. 
We must remember that the battle scars are not healed the day the battle is over.  The battle scars remain for life.  In war, there are no unwounded soldiers.[1] So, on this Veterans Day, let’s remember a very special quote,  “On this Veterans Day, let us remember the service of our veterans, and let us renew our national promise to fulfill our sacred obligations to our veterans and their families who have sacrificed so much so that we can live free.”[2]
A Prayer for our Veterans: “Oh God, thank you for the thousands of men and women who have volunteered to serve our country in our Armed Forces. For those who have given their all, keep their memories alive within us so that we might always remember their contributions to our freedom. For those who remain with us, help us to always honor them and respect their courage and devotion to duty.  May we always have the courage to fight for freedom and dignity, no matter how difficult and costly the price. We ask in the name of Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior, Amen.”
“As we express our gratitude, we must never forget that the highest appreciation is not to utter words, but to live by them.”[3]
May God bless all the veterans and current members of our Armed Forces!

[1] Unknown
[2] Dan Lipinski
[3] John F. Kennedy

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Is God Listening?

I just want to know, “Where is God when I need Him most?”  Does this question sound familiar?  There are times when it seems like God has turned away from us and no longer listening to our prayers. During those hours, we sometimes find ourselves desperately pleading in prayer, but God appears to turn a deaf ear. These times are frustrating and difficult to endure. At a time when we recognize our need for God most, we find ourselves asking, "God, why don't you say something?" We may question His promises to us; however, if we believe His word, we know that He is never will never leave us unattended.  The key is to keep believing His word and never give up hope. 
Silence is not a welcome event when one is waiting on an answer or needs direction. I’m quick to tell friends in need, to be patient and remind them of the scripture, “They that wait on the Lord will renew their strength.  They shall mount up with wings as eagles; they run and not be weary; they shall walk and not faint”.[1]   Yet when it comes to me waiting, I whine in protest; I try to help God out with the answer.  I may be better than I used to be but occasionally in the past, I’d want to help God out with the answers to my prayers.  My wife has reminded me many times that, “God doesn’t need your help; He just needs your patience.”  I know that He’s in control of everything and there’s nothing impossible to Him, but “why not now, Lord?”
All of us have known people that were always saying, “The Lord was telling me today; or I know it’s His will." And we cry out, "Then why, God, are you so silent when it comes to me?" The silence is agonizing, and it seems that it happens particularly when we are in going through the most troublesome times.  We live in the midst of constant background noise.  We become so accustomed to noise that even a moment of silence on TV or Radio is annoying.  An unexpected moment of silence is every broadcaster's nightmare.  It happens to the singer wondering if the CD is going to start—and it is terrifying.  Unfortunately it happens in our lives and we also wonder when the music is going to start.
There have been times in my life when it felt like God was nowhere to be found, but looking back and holding to His promises, He was there.   The songwriter pinned, “He was there all the time; He was there all the time; waiting patiently in line, He was there all the time.” Many are going through challenging times but His word tells us,  “Be still, and know that I am God….”[2] KJV We may also receive comfort from the scripture in Psalms 30:5, “…weeping may endure for a night, but joy cometh in the morning.”
One of my favorite phrases has been the one that says, “God might not be early, but He is never late.” He may speak through many different ways and means but thank God He still speaks!  If one will take time to listen to His voice, He will amaze you as He shows His concern for you
He Still Speaks
Amidst a hustling, clamoring world, It’s sometimes hard to hear
The voice of God, speaking to my soul.
But in my quiet time alone when I approach His holy throne
His tender words fall gently on my ear.
He still speaks; I know His voice. Sweeter sounds, never heard by mortal ear.
And to think that God by His own choice would speak to me,
It makes me rejoice He still speaks I know His voice.[3]

[1] Isa 40:31
[2] Psalms 46:10

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Good Old Days

     “Good old days?” This has been a question that has been asked over and over for centuries.  The older one becomes, the more we look back and talk about “the good ole days.”  Our children have reminded us so many times, “That was the olden days; things are different today.”  The past seems to always look better looking back to it than it did when one was experiencing it because we tend to forget the challenges of the past and remember the good times.  I’ve heard many times, “the older I get, the better I was when...”  Been there?  Part of looking back is to compare the amount of change we see from the past.
     Change has taken place in every part of our lives and it seems like it’s been increasing at an exponential rate.  Take any subject and notice what’s happened in recent years—environment, storms, earthquakes, tsunami’s, flooding, famine, fuel, wars, manufacturing, jobs lost to other countries, internet, business failures, housing foreclosures, medicine, healthcare, politics, corruption in business, politics, religious circles, and etc.  This amount of change has been difficult to deal with since the majority of us dislike change.
     We used to say that there were only two things for certain—death and taxes.  Now I believe we need to add another and that is “change.”  One business writer in recent years even wrote that if we are doing things today the same way that we did yesterday, we’ve just fallen one day behind.  Change is the law of life and those who look only to the past or present are certain to miss the future.”[1]
While attending a conference at The Ford Motor for suppliers, Mr. Tony Brown, V.P. of Global Purchasing stated, “If you think it’s bad now, just think.  Twenty years from now you will look back and think of these days as “the good ole days.”  Hard to believe, but most likely it will happen.  What has happened to the “good ole days?”  They are being recreated each day we live in a new direction and a new level. 
We have an awesome responsibility to direct the things that we can control to make sure that change is always in a positive direction and leave a legacy of a better life for future generations. There are many things changing that we cannot control; and we are constantly adjusting to change.  One has stated, “The things beyond myself, I leave to God.” Remember, change may be legal; legal does not make it right! There are changes that are in opposition to our belief system and God’s standard for us to live; therefore, we must not compromise.  Every new day is another chance to become a new person.  We are a sum-total of the “good old days; today will be included as a part of the sum-total of tomorrow.  Therefore, we can start living tomorrow---today; what will it look like?  What will the good old days look like as one looks back twenty years from now?

 There should be a consistency that runs through us all. For Jesus doesn't change — yesterday, today, tomorrow, he's always totally himself.” Heb 13:7b-8

[1] John F. Kennedy

Thursday, October 4, 2012

It's Not Over Yet!

      Each of us has some goals that we want to achieve in life.  In trying to reach the goals, it is easy to allow the challenges of life to take the passion out of reaching these goals.  We know that as we press toward the prize for winning, challenges will come.  Challenges come to us in various shapes and sizes.  They come from many directions; we are bombarded from many outside influences of opposition; others are from internal walls built from past failures.  Even our own families or peers may unknowingly use discouraging words as roadblocks along the path to conquer the mountains.  All of these together seem to sing in unison, “Are we discouraged yet?”
We must never forget that with God on our side, can make it!  Many times people will want to count us out but “It’s not over until it’s over!”  Some will tell us to give up because we cannot make it--“It’s not over until it’s over!”  Others will tell us that we will never amount to anything because of our past actions--“It’s not over until it’s over!”
Therefore, I ask, “Who determines when it’s over?”  There is a tremendous Scripture in Zechariah that tells how God spoke to Zerubbabel about a tremendous task, "You can't force these things. They only come about through my Spirit,' says God -of-the-Angel-Armies.  'So, big mountain, who do you think you are?  Next to Zerubbabel you're nothing but a molehill. He'll proceed to set the Cornerstone in place, accompanied by cheers: Yes!  Yes!  Do it!'"[1]
In the same Scripture, God tells Zerubbabel not to worry about those who would criticize for small beginnings or taking those baby steps; because they will look in amazement when they see what you eventually accomplish.  We must remember that, He will never give us a task, whether great or small, that He does not give us the strength to accomplish it. 
The former New York Yankees catcher, Yogi Berra once said: “It ain’t over ‘till it’s over.”  Now Yogi was no theologian, but he unknowingly expressed one of the greatest principles in the Christian life.  It doesn’t really matter much how one starts; what matters is how one finishes. Victory is won at the finish line, not at the starting line.  Life is a marathon that requires endurance and a lifetime commitment to keep running with the intent of finishing strong.  “It isn’t over ‘till it’s over” also serves to remind us that even if we have fallen far behind in the race there is still time to finish well.
For those who place their trust in God, He is the One that will determine when it is over.  A group of kids was playing baseball and the team on the field was down eighteen to nothing.  A spectator said to one of the losing team members, “You must be pretty discouraged with a score like that.”  The boy replied, “No.  I’m not discouraged; we haven’t had our turn at bat yet.”
It is time to look at the goals again and change all the negatives in our life to, “I can.”  “I will.”  I see.”  “I have.”  It not enough just to “think I can,” we must have the confidence to be able to say, “I know I can!”

“Whatever I have, wherever I am, I can make it through anything in the One who makes me who I am.”[2]

[1] Zech 4:6-7 Message Bible
[2] Phil 4:13 Message Bible

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Seasons of Life

     It is difficult to believe that summer is over today and autumn or fall begins.  The summer offered many challenges to us this year. It was one of the warmest summers in history and along with the heat; we’ve seen many disasters from draught, fires, floods and storms.  However, a new season of life has now begun.  Autumn is here and the trees and plant life are starting the process of going into a dormant stage.  These are not dying, they just shift their objectives and their energy is now turned to making roots and ready for another spring. It is not dying time; it’s changing time. This is a very special time of the year where something special occurs.  As someone so beautifully stated, “autumn is a second spring where every leaf is a flower.”
     Fall is a beautiful time when the tree-leaves change colors and create an unbelievable landscape of unimaginable colors of beauty.  It’s a time when the trees that have all blended together in one color during the summer gets to show their individual beauties of their true colors and what a sight to behold.  It is a time when the beauty of God’s creation transitions into a time of waiting; this time of waiting is very productive time in anticipation for the rejuvenation of life to begin anew.  This time of anticipation of when new life will begin will happen for we know it is God’s plan, it will happen.  
     Fall also, reminds me of the end of the day when one is now able to put all the challenges that we faced during the day behind us, relax and be reenergized for a new beginning tomorrow.  Each day is a new beginning where our true and beautiful colors are able to show through all the surrounding colors and be what God has truly created us to be as individuals.  
     “Autumn of My Life refers to the last portion of one's life. It is a metaphor which likens one's life to the season when the time for planting, growing, and flowering is over, when the temperatures begin to drop, and the days become shorter.” [1] As in life, autumn is described as a period of maturity or incipient decline. Many look at this time as a time of dormancy, having “served my time.”  It doesn’t have to be a life of decline or dormancy.  It is not just a resting time; it’s preparation time; it is growing time.  We must use our time wisely and make the best of each day.  For the young as well as the “older ones” we can learn lessons from the plant life.  They show the beauty of their individuality and when the leaves are gone, they are growing deeper so they are ready for the next season.  During this time, “Expect to have hope rekindled.  Expect your prayers to be answered in wondrous ways.  The dry seasons in life do not last.  The spring rains will come again.”[2]  
     The next season may be here in this life for us or it may be our eternal life. So now that autumn, whether seasonal or life itself  is here, let us use this special time to be a growing time, a preparation time and make the most of who we are and wait patiently until it’s our time to demonstrate our true beauty.  “And let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up.”[3]
     The Apostle Paul stated in the autumn of his life, “This is the only race worth running. I've run hard right to the finish, believed all the way.  All that's left now is the shouting — God's applause! Depend on it, he's an honest judge. He'll do right not only by me, but by everyone eager for his coming.[4]





[1] Author unknown
[2] Sarah Ban Breathnach
[3] Galatians 6:9 ESV
[4] 2 Tim 4:7-8 Message Bible

Saturday, January 14, 2012

I Wish I could!

“I wish I could---“is the beginning of many statements that one will hear from individuals in all walks of life.  It may a desire to accomplish something special in the future or contain many regrets of the past.  It is unfortunate that so many people are stuck between two worlds—holding on to the past on one side and not having either the courage or wherewithal to move forward.  Therefore, they seem to be stuck in the issues of the past and just wishing for something different. 
There is hope!  We do not have to be held hostage by the past.  Arthur Brisbane stated, Regret for time wasted can become a power for good in the time that remains, if we will only stop the waste and the idle, useless regretting.”[1]  Today is a new day and it can be full of new hope, new aspirations, new attitudes, new dreams, and new plans for obtaining the things for which we often just wish.  There will never be a more appropriate time to start on the positive side of “I wish I could---.”
Already, some may be saying, “If only I could.”  Fulton Oursler stated, “’if only!’  Those must be the two saddest words in the world.”  Those two words fall into the same category of “but” or “I wish.”[2]  To move forward into new heights of satisfaction in ones life requires a dissatisfaction of either where we are or where we have been.  This realization will allow us to see the opportunities the future offers just for the taking.  We cannot expect the opportunity to come knocking at our door; we must gain confidence in our own ability to open the door of opportunity.  Norman Vincent Peale stated, Believe in yourself!  Have faith in your abilities!  Without a humble but reasonable confidence in your own powers you cannot be successful or happy.”[3]
  Many use the past as a standard and therefore, limit the possibilities of both the present and the future.  Neither satisfaction nor regrets of the past are healthy for future successes.  We must forget past failures and successes and move forward with confidence that we can make it.  Just as looking back is an endangerment to the mountain climber who desires to reach the pinnacle, it endangers us as well.  The climber’s hope of reaching the summit is by forgetting the things behind and continuing a step at a time, never taking his eyes off the goal.
With the rest of our life in front of us, we need to change the statement from, “I wish I could…” to “I am going to…”  The statement is an open-ended statement for each of us to fill in.  There are tremendous opportunities ahead just for our benefit.  Let us press on to victory in 2012.

Phil 3:13-14 "Brethren, I do not regard myself as having laid hold of it yet; but one thing I do: forgetting what lies behind and reaching forward to what lies ahead, I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus."  NASB

[1] Arthur Brisbane
[2] Fulton Oursler
[3] Norman Vincent Peale

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Thank You

This last year has been very rewarding to me in many ways since I started writing the inspirational blog.  I really did not imagine how well it would be received but after reviewing the number of individual page viewings, I was amazed to see the number over three-thousand.  Therefore, for all the support and encouragement, I just want to say thanks.
I will continue writing this year and hope the blogs will be words of encouragement to you.  If there are subjects that you would like to have me consider, send me a personal message and I will honor the confidentiality and try to answer them.
I trust that this year, you will find peace and comfort in all you do and that God would direct your steps in a positive direction.

Thanks again and may God bless you!
