Thursday, December 22, 2011

The Joy of Christmas

Over two thousand years ago, surrounded by questions, criticized by the skeptics, and no room at the inn, the Joy of Christmas was born in a lowly manger.  Mary and Joseph had many challenges about the circumstances and discussions concerning the miraculous conception and the birth, but on this night, they witnessed the joy of it all.  The first announcement of the joyful event was to shepherds by an angel who stated, “Do not be afraid; I bring you good news that will bring great joy to all people.  The Savior—yes, the Messiah, has been born today in Bethlehem.”  Sudden, the angel was joined by a vast host of others praising God saying, “Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will to men.”
This was a night that a special gift that was given to all people and this Gift was not a one-time celebration but a gift that keeps on giving.  The joy that accompanied this gift is still real and available as we celebrate this beautiful occasion.  His birth and the public celebrations of this joyful occasion are still surrounded by questions, criticized by the skeptics, challenged by the politicians of our day to take the gift that was given that night and hide it so the unbelievers will not be offended.  However, this Gift, when received in our heart cannot be hidden because it resonates in acts of kindness in our world.
"It’s the most wonderful time of the year,[1]” many will sing, but others are only wishing it to be over.  For many, the obligations of giving, going and “acting,” is difficult when one is only trying to survive.  We need to pause, take a deep breath, and remember the gift given to us that day is a gift to share with others.  Each of us has something to can give to keep the joy alive.  Perhaps it is a simple smile, a telephone call, an act of kindness in the marketplace or just spending time together reflecting on the greatness of this gift. 
The true spirit of a joyful Christmas needs to be the focus in our hearts and homes.  One may ask, “How can the true Joy of Christmas be experienced?”  Joy is not necessarily found in the receiving of the gifts but can most often found in the simple things of life.  Joy is a condition of the heart and it focuses on the blessings we have and the sharing of those blessings with others.  It comes from a relationship with Jesus and realizes that He is the “reason for the season.”  While we should live within our means, we can exercise generosity to the less fortunate as a true celebration of the birthday of Jesus.  Remember, it is not the size of the gift; it is the amount of love for which it is given that will have lasting results.
“Unless we truly celebrate Christ, the greatest story ever told will be lost amid the bells, bows, and baubles.  Make your holiday a holy day.  Add another seat or two at your table.  Sing the carols at the top of your voice.  Tell Christ’s story with thanksgiving and awe.  Wrap every present in love.  You are the reason Jesus came.  No one has more cause to celebrate than you.”[2]
Remember--joy is an inward possession that shows its presence by acts of kindness and generosity to others.  Is joy available in the midst of all the challenges we face?  Yes!  The message of the angel is very much applicable today—the Gift brings great joy to all people.
Good news from heaven the angels bring,
Glad tidings to the earth they sing:
To us this day a child is given,
To crown us with the joy of heaven
  Merry Christmas
“These things I have spoken to you, that My joy may remain in you, and that your joy may be full.”[4]

I pray that each of you will truly experience the “Joy of Christmas.”

[1] Eddie Pola and George Wyle
[2] Unknown
[3] Martin Luther
[4] John 15:11

1 comment:

  1. Great reminder of our ability and responsibility to keep a 'joyful spirit', now and even when the decorations have disappeared. The joy of Jesus continues to shine for all who need HOPE, PEACE, and LOVE that only Jesus can give. Thank you for this blog.
