We have heard much in recent years about
individuals having a “bucket list.” This has been more prevalent since the production
of movie in 2007, by the same title. It was a very popular movie and inspired
many people to use the term about doing things or going places they had only
imagined in their dreams.
It is only natural, as one gets older to
look at the number of years one might have left and start to plan how to spend
those years. Looking at the “bucket list” of many individuals, it contains
items, for the most part, for number one. May I suggest that life’s greatest
satisfaction comes when one realizes and changes the “It’s all about me,” to
“It is not all about me.”
I often wonder why most “bucket lists” concentrate
on traveling, jumping out of airplanes, accomplishing physical tasks, etc. Very
few lists that I have seen have little or no great
impact on the legacy that one wants to leave. Unfortunately for many, one may
have just waited too long to do those things. Major changes in our life cause
us to alter our plans before we are able to accomplish these tasks.
When considering the idea of “It’s not
about me,” what would your bucket list look like today? Many stop pursuing
goals and are waiting for the time of retirement or afraid to make the
commitment. They will say; “where do I start?” What if? What if? What if? These
two words are unbelievably powerful in preventing us from doing what would be
so important.
Perhaps you regretted not getting the
degree that you wanted. It is never too late; go back to school and take the
classes and obtain the degree. A friend of mine just had his eighty-ninth
birthday and is now pursuing his Master’s degree in Biblical education. It’s a
well-known fact that as long as one is learning, the mind will stay stronger. There is an old saying, “A mind is a
terrible thing to waste.” This is true. After spending lifetime learning, it’s
terrible to put all that knowledge on the shelf and take it to the grave with
us. Just like our body needs exercise, our mind needs it also.
So what kind of wishes that you have had and
not been able to accomplish? It may
include things for personal growth, one’s closeness to God, or special things
with the family, or something special with or for others. Doing special things
to improve our body, soul and mind is so important. There are so many
opportunities to grow even in our golden years to keep them from becoming
“rusty years.”
Notice what the Apostle Paul stated as he
neared the later years of his life, “No, dear brothers, I am still not all I
should be, but I am bringing all my energies to bear on this one thing:
Forgetting the past and looking forward to what lies ahead, I strain to reach
the end of the race and receive the prize for which God is calling us up to
heaven because of what Christ Jesus did for us.” [1] One
has stated, “Looking backward, we see the
blessings of God. Looking forward we are able to see His great plans for us.”[2]
The bottom line should be about setting
priorities in our life and accomplishing those things that matter most.
Remember—the best time to start is now! This could be the most rewarding time
of your life. What will you do and when will you start? When life is just about
me, little is accomplished of eternal value. When it’s about others, life takes
on a completely new meaning.
What’s on your Bucket List? Is it
something that will live on after you’re gone or will it go with you when you’re