Tuesday, November 6, 2012

God Bless Our Veterans!

Sunday, November 11th we honor a special group of people, our veterans and those currently serving in our Armed Forces. Our men and women in the Armed Forces are sacrificing so much for our freedom.  Many leave to never return and pay the ultimate sacrifice for a cause that oftentimes is not even known to those in battle.  All they know is that it’s in the name of freedom and protection from our enemies.  Our enemies are not always dressed in battle attire or on a battlefield, but in business suits willing to commit to battle but unwilling to support those who commit the most.  We go on hoping and praying that in some small way that the sacrifices will make a difference for freedom. 
My heart was saddened recently when the news came to a NC family that their loved one, an Army Special Operations soldier was killed in action, during combat operations in support of Operation Enduring Freedom. He died from direct fire from enemy forces while conducting combat operations in Konduz Province, Afghanistan.  This was his fifth deployment to Afghanistan and one in Iraq—six times in the battle zone?  What a sacrifice!
I don’t want to sound too political but I am also saddened that during all the “nonsense” going on during this election season, that our men and women serving in the armed services seem to have taken a back seat to the elections.  I can’t remember the last time our President or Secretary of Defense have gone to the microphones to update us on the status of our military, or made a visit to the battlefield to show support for our troops.  All we hear is that the Military is being cut.  In my opinion, the men and women in the service of our country have taken a low priority to the politicians who care more of their own survival than the survival of those in battle.
For those of us who have served proudly and those who have lost their loved ones for freedom, we must ensure that these will never be forgotten.  So on this very special day and every day not designated as special, do something to brighten the day of a veteran.  There are many ways we can show our appreciation and all of us can pray daily for special protection of our brave men and women in uniform. 
We must remember that the battle scars are not healed the day the battle is over.  The battle scars remain for life.  In war, there are no unwounded soldiers.[1] So, on this Veterans Day, let’s remember a very special quote,  “On this Veterans Day, let us remember the service of our veterans, and let us renew our national promise to fulfill our sacred obligations to our veterans and their families who have sacrificed so much so that we can live free.”[2]
A Prayer for our Veterans: “Oh God, thank you for the thousands of men and women who have volunteered to serve our country in our Armed Forces. For those who have given their all, keep their memories alive within us so that we might always remember their contributions to our freedom. For those who remain with us, help us to always honor them and respect their courage and devotion to duty.  May we always have the courage to fight for freedom and dignity, no matter how difficult and costly the price. We ask in the name of Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior, Amen.”
“As we express our gratitude, we must never forget that the highest appreciation is not to utter words, but to live by them.”[3]
May God bless all the veterans and current members of our Armed Forces!

[1] Unknown
[2] Dan Lipinski
[3] John F. Kennedy